Mega hero reveals secrete behind Geeta Arts

Mega hero reveals secrete behind Geeta Arts


The young Mega hero Allu Sirish is currently enjoying the success of his latest film Srirasthu Subhamastu which has fetched him good returns as well.The actor is also known for his active social media presence and being in constant touch with fans.

The actor tweeted Krishnashtami wishes to all his fans yesterday and also said that his Dad is an avid follower of Lord Krishna and his ideologies. He also said that Allu Arvind is also a follower of Bhagavad Gita and its universal principles of life.

He also clarified that the production house was not named Geetha as it was his mother’s name because his mom’s name is Nirmala. This indeed reveals the success mantra of Allu Arvind and his production house!

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