Sensational director Shankar who is known for his challenging films is all set with 2.0 which is said to be the costliest ever Indian film till date. Rajinikanth is the lead actor in this film which is the sequel for Robo. Bollywood Superstar Akshay Kumar is the lead antagonist in the film and Amy Jackson is the female lead.
The climax of the film along with couple of songs are yet to be shot. Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar moved to their respective commitments and will join the sets back when Shankar is all set for shoot. The latest update says Shankar is specially designing the climax episodes and he wanted enough time for them to be shot.
With Rajini and Akshay aware of the plot, the duo came out with two different points as per their view. Rajinikanth suggested that it should be based mostly on VFX work while Akshay suggested some realistic stunts to be shot on the lead actors. The final decision will be taken by Shankar who is currently busy with the work.
There is no update about the shooting schedules and Rajini is currently in Mumbai shooting for his next Kaala. 2.0 is produced by Lyca Productions and it will hit the screens early next year.