The regular shooting of Nandamuri Balakrishna’s forthcoming action drama in Puri Jagannadh direction is going on at a rapid pace in and around Hyderabad. The unit will soon head to Portugal for an extensive 40 day schedule.
Shriya Saran is playing the film’s leading lady. Reportedly, Balakrishna is playing an aged gangster in this film and Puri has assured to deliver a pucca masala entertainer for fans. Now, it is learnt that the makers are considering Gangster and Ustaad as the film’s titles.
Sources say that they are yet to lock the title and an official confirmation is likely to be out on May 28th on the eve of NTR jayanthi. Bhavya creations banner is bankrolling the film. Anup Rubens is scoring the music. The film is slated for Dussehra release.