Veteran actor Chalapathi Rao is hitting the headlines for his controversial remarks which he had made on women’s in ‘Rarandoy Veduka Chuddam’ audio function. Later, Chalapathi Rao has asked a public apology and now it got sorted. Recently, after the incident, He has given an interview to youtube channel where he revealed many interesting facts about his life. He said that “Before entering into films I got married.. it was a love marriage. But my wife died when I was 27. I was financially very weak.. and I had three kids by then. I couldn’t understand what’s going on.. and thought of committing suicide. If I do that.. who will look after my children? So, I moved on”. “Senior NTR and his wife Tarakamma garu pressurized me to get married once again. But I didn’t follow their advice becuase my inner voice was against marriage. My only goal was to bring up my children. I worked hard in films. My children got settled down in life after completing post-graduation in USA. I’m very happy now.” He also said that he has completed 50 years career in films being a drama artiste.