Akkineni handsome young lad Naga Chaitanya is on cloud nine after his latest outing Rarandoi Veduka Chuddam has been declared as a blockbuster. The actor has many interesting projects and he announced a film with Tamil filmmaker Karthick Naren. The movie is expected to start rolling from August this year however Chaitu walked out of the projects which is said to be a bilingual citing date issues.
The makers have been in hunt for the replacement. The latest update says that Sundeep Kishan has been roped in to play the lead role in the film. The film has been titled Naraga Sooran (Telugu title yet to be locked) and the regular shoot of the film will start from the last week of August.
Sundeep Kishan is currently occupied with many interesting projects and the makers have been eagerly waiting for the young actor to start the shoot. The film may hit the screens during early 2018.