Naga Chaitanya and Samantha are said to be the most happening couple all over. The duo got engaged early this year and are all set to tie knot soon. Chaitu and Samantha have been occupied with enough films however they have been spending time together. Chaitu and Samantha set some serious relationship goals for the youth.
The duo revealed that the wedding will take place during October and as per the news from a reliable source, it has been revealed that the wedding date has been locked. The grand wedding is said to take place on October 6th in Hyderabad and the plans of a destination wedding have been dropped.
However Chaitu and Samantha will take a break for a month and will fly abroad after their wedding. Chaitu is eagerly waiting for Rarandoi Veduka Chuddam which is releasing this Friday. Samantha is busy shooting for Ramcharan’s untitled movie in the direction of Sukumar.