Actor-filmmaker Kamal Haasan on Friday dodged a question regarding his best friend and actor Rajinikanth’s rumoured political entry. Speaking on the occasion of the trailer launch of the Tamil version of reality TV show “Bigg Boss”, Kamal said: “We need to organise a separate press meet to talk about it (Rajinikanth’s political plunge).” Rajinikanth had earlier hinted that he may join politics at an appropriate time, leading to much hullabaloo. Kamal will be hosting the Tamil “Bigg Boss”, which marks his television debut. Asked how does he feel to be making his debut on television, he said: “I feel like a debutant before every performance. The day I don’t feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach before a performance, I’ll stop acting.”
- 8 years ago
Telugu BOX Office
Kamal Haasan comments about Rajini’s political entry
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