After making a memorable comeback with Khaidi No 150, Megastar Chiranjeevi is all set to play an ambitious role in his next film which is based on the life story of unsung freedom fighter Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy. While Surender Reddy is going to wield the megaphone, Ram Charan will once don the producer’s hat for this period drama which is to be made on a whopping budget.
As reported earlier, the film will be made as a multilingual film. Speaking about the film in his recent interview to a leading Telugu news daily, Chiranjeevi gave some interesting updates about the story. He said that Uyyalawada is the first freedom fighter in India and his inspiring and untold story should be glorified in the form of feature film.
He expressed confidence that the story has the potential to strike the chord with pan-India audience which is the major reason to make it simultaneously in Hindi and Tamil along with Telugu. Chiru further added that the film will be made with good technical values involving high-end visual effects. He clarified that a bunch of writers are working rigorously on the script and the film will be readied for next Summer. A couple of Bollywood actresses are in talks to play the leading lady in the film. The formal launch of the project will take place in August.